Slashing Dough Video Pictures

Closeup of crumb

When I made the video in the last post, the video about slashing dough, I used the basic white sourdough recipe from but I left out the oil and substituted a cup of evaporated milk instead of one of the cups of water. I used the Northwest Sourdough starter. I made a 63% dough hydration. The loaves came out magnificently and I wanted to show you the loaves up close because they didn’t show up that well in the video.

Northwest Sourdough

Northwest Sourdough Loaves

Northwest Sourdough Loaves

Northwest Sourdough Loaves


Northwest Sourdough Loaves

These loaves had a nice mild sour, a great texture to the crumb, and a crispy crusty crust as you could hear in the video!

This was an easy recipe with great results, give it  a try!


Teresa L Greenway - Sourdough bread baker, author, teacher, entrepreneur. Join my baking classes at:

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