Whole Wheat Potato Sourdough

I now have four SF starters. So far, this last starter has been very vigorous.  I made up some Whole Wheat Potato Sourdough with it and it came out great. The only problem I have with it, is holding it back. The starter is very full of bubbles and very vigorous. The bulk proofing doesn’t seem to be a problem but after shaping and during the second proof, it is a very fast riser. I am wondering if this dough would freeze successfully and then thaw and bounce back well for frozen doughs. It might be worth a try. Here is the dough at five hours bulk ferment with the salt already added:

bulk ferment

Here is the dough already to go right out of the refrigerator in the morning at 6:00 am:


All three loaves were this way. I put this one back into the refrigerator and turned on the oven, when the oven was halfway heated and needed another half hour, I took out this loaf again and let it warm up for only 1/2 hour.

Here it is baked:

first loaf

Here is the second loaf:

second loaf

Third loaf:

Third  Potato Wheat loaf

All three loaves

side view

Here it the crumb from the loaf slashed down the middle:


Those are the  Potato Wheat Loaves.


Teresa L Greenway - Sourdough bread baker, author, teacher, entrepreneur. Join my baking classes at: https://tinyurl.com/nbe3ejd

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