Not a Baguette or French Loaf
I took my One Night Sour Sponge Bread which has the cracked wheat meal in it, and made up some bread today. I decided to shape two of the loaves like torpedos and one as a boule. I didn’t do too well for shaping torpedos, I certainly need a lot more practice on shaping these kinds of loaves. Also the dough is a little too high in hydration and sticky for shaping a traditional Baguette or French loaf. However, I just wanted to push the limit. The oven spring was good, the shapes held up pretty well, the slashes didn’t fare too well though. Here they are:
The boule is pictured here with one of the long loaves. The other loaf has already been devoured as we grilled it up for dinner.
Here is a picture of the crumb: