A Nice Sour Bread

I made up a batch of Sourdough Bread using a new recipe. I also combined a cup of very sour motherdough with the regular Northwest starter, just for flavor because it was alcoholic. The dough bulk fermented well in six hours and looked like this:

bulk fermented dough

I divided the dough into three pieces and shaped them. Each piece was about 2 lbs 2 oz.

three pieces

I put the dough to rest in the banneton baskets and refrigerated the dough overnight:


Next morning the dough proofed for two hours and then I slashed the first loaf and popped it into the hot 450 degree oven :

slashed dough

Here is how it came out:

first loaf

Here are the other loaves:

loaf two

loaf 3

Here are all three together:

all three

The bread came out very nice and tangy with a nice crumb:



This turned out to be a very nice sourdough and we ate it with ham and cheese for sandwiches. It has been a nice tangy loaf, but not as sour as the Desem bread I was supposed to bake on the same day and didn’t get to until today….gee it knocked my socks off! I did every possible thing wrong with this Desem dough and it still came out pretty good although not as much spring as it should have had. Here it is:


This dough was supposed to be ready to bake after the other dough was done. I didn’t get it mixed up though, although I had the preferment waiting to go. So I ended up mixing it up later in the day and hoped to get it into the oven…but no…we had to go out…so I just put it into the refrigerator. I took it out this morning and it wasn’t acting too vigorous, so I proofed it for 2 hours and then baked it. Gee it is SOUR!


Teresa L Greenway - Sourdough bread baker, author, teacher, entrepreneur. Join my baking classes at: https://tinyurl.com/nbe3ejd

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