Basic White Sourdough Bread WHOOOOOOOEEEEEE…..

I am posting about the bread I started yesterday and in which I made the video showing the forming of the boule. Well, it was one of those days where everything actually came out wonderful!! The first proofing was finished in an unheard of 2.5 hours! I formed the loaves and put them in the refrigerator. I checked on them in two hours because of how fast the first proof was. The bread was almost ready! So I decided to take out the loaves and let them proof all the way. I went ahead and baked them last night.The oven spring was great, the color wonderful, the smell, out of this world! Everything was perfect! Just a perfect proofing, baking day! I haven’t yet sliced into one to see the crumb, but with the phenomenal oven spring, I am hoping for the best. One loaf is given away already. Here is the boule ready to slash:

Basic White Boule

Same boule slashed:

Slashed Boule

Here is the boule finished:

Baked Boule

Here is a side picture so you can see the oven spring:

Side view

Here are all three of the boules together:

Three Boules

The Basic White Sourdough recipe is on the recipe page of my website.

I will show the crumb later.

Here it is:



Teresa L Greenway - Sourdough bread baker, author, teacher, entrepreneur. Join my baking classes at:

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