Sourdough Hoagie Rolls
I made up some Coastal loaf recipe to make some Hoagie Rolls. I didn’t ferment overnight, it was a one day raise and bake. Coastal loaf recipe has some whole wheat in it so it is not a really white crumb. I started the mix at 6:30 am and then bulk proofed until 12:30 pm. I then shaped the little loaves and put them all in my couche:
I was done shaping by 1:00pm and proofed the Hoagies until 3:00pm. Then I baked the rolls four at a time and then for the last two batches, three at a time. The recipe made 14 6 oz rolls altogether. Here is a row of rolls showing the first ones baked on the right and each set of rolls going to the left were baked 30 minutes apart. The first rolls were proofed for 2 hours, next two 2.5 hours, next two, 3.00 and last set on the right were baked at 3.5 hours proofing. I am mentioning this because it is dealing with something we are talking about on the forum. We are discussing why some slashed loaves do not have defined slashes while others do. As you can see from these rolls going from right to left…. as the rolls proofed more and the oven stones were more thoroughly heated through, the rolls had a better oven spring and a more defined slash or “grigne”. Here they are:
The first ones baked also spread apart more.
Here is a closer view:
Here is the crumb, I was able to get some sunshine next day: