Super White Sourdough
Following a hint from Mariana-Aga’s Bread journal, (which you really should see, it’s one of the best bread baking journals I’ve visited) (it’s not all in a foreign language) about making a slurry of boiling water and a small amount of flour so you can have a mixture with some of the starch already gelatinized, I was hoping to come up with a white sourdough that would keep a moist crumb longer.
I had also read in another bread book about a Sour Rye bread utilizing some gelatinized flour paste in the recipe for a sweeter, and moister dough. So this conversion of starch into a gelatinized form, has been used in bread baking for some time. Probably for a very long time, if people used up their leftover boiled breakfast porridge for baking up bread. The experiment was a great success. I have made the bread twice now and each time produced a white sourdough that has great color, terrific crust, great flavor and yes, it does stay fresh a bit longer than a regular basic white dough. I am getting at least an extra day of freshness. Here are some pictures of the outcome:
Here are some pictures of the crumb:
I have been very busy. I have been updating the Special Recipes folder. I have been taking the early recipes one by one and adding the weights of ingredients which were missing in some of the early recipes. I am also writing out (which means putting into html form) my new recipes. I am going to be spending less time posting to this blog so I can do more on my book, which always seems to get put on the back burner. Please come back and see me from time to time, when I am done with my book, I will have more time to post here. Teresa