YUM,YUM! More Sourdough Biscuits!
I made up some new sourdough biscuits in response to a customer who wanted to bake up some sourdough biscuits. I have the one recipe posted on my sourdough site but some people have trouble following the directions….so…here is another one! This is an easy one and the biscuits come out fluffy and light.
The night before you are planning to bake biscuits for breakfast, add together in a large bowl :
1 cup sourdough starter
2 cups milk (1/2 & 1/2 is best)
1/4 cup melted butter(don’t pour in while still hot) or oil
2 cups all purpose flour
Stir well and cover lightly, leave overnight at room temperature.
Next morning add together in another bowl :
2 cups all purpose flour
1 Tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons salt
1 Tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
Stir all of the dry ingredients and add the dry ingredients all at once to the large bowl of starter mixture. Mix together and pour out onto a well floured surface. Knead enough times to make the dough workable and keep the dough ball covered in flour on the outside but don’t knead in so much flour because you want the dough to be still sticky in the middle. Gather up the dough making sure there is enough flour on the top and bottom and roll out 1/2 inch thick dough. Using a 3″ biscuit cutter cut out the biscuits and flatten them slightly when you place them on a greased baking sheet. This makes about 18 large biscuits. Let your pan sit for about 1/2 hour – 1 hour and then pop into a 400F oven (you can pop them in right away if you don’t want to wait ) and bake for 18 minutes, turning the pan halfway. Your biscuits should look like this:
If you want your biscuits to sit up higher, knead in a little more flour so they are a little stiffer, and don’t flatten slightly when placed in the pan. What flattening them does is to help them be less dense and more feathery soft inside. You can brush melted butter over the tops if you like and serve hot!