Category Archives for "Morphed"

New Baking Course Launch – Pizza!

c_pizzablog600Hello everyone!

Edited: This course was offered for free for six weeks, it is now a paid course On at the modest price of only $20.00. You can purchase it here at a discount for $15.00:  Make the Best Pizza

I have launched a new baking course! It is called, “Bake the Best Pizza – Neo-Neapolitan Pizza Crust.”
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Cinnamon Rolls, Pita Pockets, Pizza dough, Soft White Bread, Rolls….

San Juan Island area is a beautiful place to live. The locals are very friendly, it has been fun to meet new people. I attended a transportation meeting to see about road safety and bike trails. I joined a prayer group from the church I attend and I was able to help out at the local soup kitchen this week and bring some of my bread.


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This month has been a pizza month in this household. Earlier I made a morphed pizza dough using both a  starter (natural levain) and commercial yeast. It is featured on
A Morphed Pizza Dough The dough is silky soft, easy to work with and makes wonderful pizza dough.

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