New Sourdough Book, "Discovering Sourdough" is Released
The book I have promised you for some time is now finished and available from my website at:
I divided it into three separate .pdf files because it is a very large book. If you want to print it, it is best done on a printer that duplexes or you will have a VERY large book.
I updated my site in time for the release of this book and I hope you find it easier to navigate. I will be adding items to the store as I am able to expand, so you might want to check back now and again.
I thank you all for being patient and hope you enjoy “Discovering Sourdough”
Now, when you have a newbie baker ask, ‘How does sourdough work?” You can point them in the direction of my new book.
Please feel free to share the files with your friends, post links from your website and most importantly….. have fun baking!