Tag Archives for " Discovering Sourdough "

New Sourdough Book, "Discovering Sourdough" is Released

The book I have promised you for some time is now finished and available from my website at:  http://www.northwestsourdough.com

I divided it into three separate .pdf files because it is a very large book. If you want to print it, it is best done on a printer that duplexes or you will have a VERY large book.

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Getting the Sour in Sourdough – Salt Fermentation

In many parts of the world, a very sour sourdough is considered a fault in the bread baking. However, here in the USA, it is usually considered a virtue.  At the sourdough forum, we are having fun with a new board set up just for experimenting with “getting the sour” in sourdough. Anyone can join, you just have to ask for a password. The password will be removed when my book, “Discovering Sourdough” is posted. That is because the formula is part of the book, kind of like a preview.Continue reading