Dough Never Forgets… Guess Which One!

Sourdough Soft Pan Loaves
I had an interesting thing happen last week when I made up some sourdough soft pan loaves. I made up the dough, shaped the loaves, and put the dough into the pans. However, I made a mistake. With most of the sourdough I bake, I use proofing baskets or bannetons. With them, you turn out your dough for baking, so when putting the dough into the banneton, you turn it upside down…
With pan loaves of course, you turn them right side up so the best side is up. Somehow I had a brain fart, and wasn’t paying attention. I plopped the dough of one of the loaves into the pan upside down! After I did it, I thought to myself, did I do that right? But the dough was somewhat wettish and didn’t really show the pinch line. So I thought, what the heck, no one will ever know! Ha! The dough knew, and it doesn’t forget! I baked up both loaves at the same time and did they ever turn out different!

See the fold ridge?

No fold ridge!

Can you tell which one?

The Crumb