I’ve been asked for quite a while to show how to turn off the “auto turn off” and also how to use the baker’s percent key for the KD8000. I made two videos because the one I was going to make was just too long, so I split it in two.
In this video I unbox the new scale and show you how to use it and some of it’s features. I also show you how to program the “auto turn off”Continue reading
Thank you for the great response to the Blister Crust Series on YouTube. I will embed it here:
Also I was asked to post the formula for those who viewed the videos but wanted a place to refer to the formula for reference or print out. So here you go:
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I’ve got the second video finished. It’s called Blister Crust Sourdough Part 2 Fermentaion and Folding Dough. I am working on video number three which will be about shaping, slashing and proofing. The final video will be about baking and the finished bread. Continue reading