Category Archives for "Technical"

Sourdough Baking Techniques 3 – Assorted Baking Techniques


This is the third and last post in a series where I put together some collections of Sourdough Baking Technique videos. This post will cover Assorted Baking Techniques.  I thought it would be a good idea to have a list of videos and resources  in one post so that you can bookmark it or share it with a new baker. However, one post would be too long, so I am breaking it up into three posts. Continue reading

Program the KD8000 Scale and Use the Baker’s Percent Key

KD 8000 Baker's Scale

I’ve been asked for quite a while to show how to turn off the “auto turn off” and also how to use the baker’s percent key for the KD8000. I made two videos because the one I was going to make was just too long, so I split it in two.

In this video I unbox the new scale and show you how to use it and some of it’s features. I also show  you how to program the “auto turn off”Continue reading

Baking Equipment – Pan Sizes – Dough Trough


I’ve had a lot of people asking me about my dough trough I use in my videos. I kept telling people they are 1/4 size Cambro Translucent  food pans with lid (it’s what they were called when I purchased them, only it may have been wrong). I gave out links but then there seemed to be a problem. Some professional sites were calling a quarter sized pan a half size instead. Sooooo I decided to do a bit of research on that because I have worked in bakeries and I know what a full size, half size and quarter size pan looks like. A full size pan in bakery terms is a large pan that bakeries use in their large ovens.Continue reading

Blistered Crust Sourdough – New Video Series



I’ve promised to teach you how I make the blistery crust sourdough bread. It’s taking me a while because I am learning to use a new video editing software. Hopefully, I will improve as I roll out the next few videos, but here is the first one in the series:

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Kneading Conference West 2012 Part II

The Business of Baking

Kneading Conference West is a three day event held in September at the Washington State University Extension and Research facility in Mt. Vernon. It brings  together bakers, plant breeders, millers, brewers and even oven builders, all with some connection to grain.Continue reading

Kneading Conference West 2012 Part I

MC, Teresa (me) and Breadsong photo by Douglas McLaughlin

Kneading Conference West (Sept 13, 14 and 15) 2012 was a terrific success. I had the privilege of attending for the second year in a row and I am really glad I did. The Kneading Conference  is held in the beautiful Skagit Valley in Mt Vernon, Wa at Washington State University Research and Extension Center. The conference filled up quickly and had a waiting list again this year as the attendance is limited (you might wasn’t to sign up early for next year, BBGA will have information or you can find it at: Kneading Conference West. I met up with my baker friends MC of Farine and Breadsong and Floyd from The Fresh Loaf (I did not get his picture!). It was a great start to the conference.

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