Tag Archives for " baker "

My Favorite Baking Equipment – Gotta – Wanna –

Brod and Taylor Proofer

I am often asked where I get this piece of baking equipment or that one. I have done a few posts on singular items but no posts on an inclusive list of baking equipment I use or want to use. ๐Ÿ™‚

These are mostly Amazon links and I am an affiliate. It won’t cost you anymore to use my links, but it will help me out. Also, if you pull any live link to your desktop and use it as an entry portal every time you use Amazon, I will be credited a small amount and lots of small amounts adds up to large amounts and then I can get my kids bigger clothes (they don’t seem to stop eating) ๐Ÿ˜‰

So here goes:Continue reading

Magnificent Sourdough – New Addition

Carl Legge's Sourdough Breakfast Bread

Carl Legge's Sourdough Breakfast Bread

I have a new addition added to my gallery of “Magnificent Sourdough,” ย Carl Legge’s beautiful Sourdough Breakfast Bread.

Take a minute to check out his blog, LlynLines and see some of the varied foods and breads he has posted.

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