Tag Archives for " The Bread Farm Bakery "

Kneading Conference West 2012 Part I

MC, Teresa (me) and Breadsong photo by Douglas McLaughlin

Kneading Conference West (Sept 13, 14 and 15) 2012 was a terrific success. I had the privilege of attending for the second year in a row and I am really glad I did. The Kneading Conference  is held in the beautiful Skagit Valley in Mt Vernon, Wa at Washington State University Research and Extension Center. The conference filled up quickly and had a waiting list again this year as the attendance is limited (you might wasn’t to sign up early for next year, BBGA will have information or you can find it at: Kneading Conference West. I met up with my baker friends MC of Farine and Breadsong and Floyd from The Fresh Loaf (I did not get his picture!). It was a great start to the conference.

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