Kneading Conference West 2012 Part II
Kneading Conference West is a three day event held in September at the Washington State University Extension and Research facility in Mt. Vernon. It brings together bakers, plant breeders, millers, brewers and even oven builders, all with some connection to grain.There is so much to learn, to do, to taste and so many people to meet, who are passionate about their work/hobby. Passionate people are fun people. In Kneading Conference I, I posted about some of the workshops which were available this year. I would like to continue that with this post.
Some of the other workshops included:
Professional Baking with Michael Eggebrecht and Jesse Dodson. I stopped in on their workshop several times and took pictures. I took this workshop last year and it was a very informative, interesting class taught by professional bakers.
Kiko Denzer gave a workshop on building your own earth oven for a micro-bakery. His workshop is always well attended and very fun.
Kiko also gave a demonstration on how to build a bigger oven by building a small scale test oven. I have a video of the demonstration that I will post soon on my youtube account (Northwest Sourdough), so you might want to subscribe to get updates, I will be posting all of the videos as I finish them.
Mark Doxtader is pretty handy with a wood fired oven. He had a workshop on Bagels in a Wood Fired Oven and also baked pizzas for the first evenings dinner. His delicious bagels were also very popular in the mornings with coffee…
Andrew Whitley gave the keynote speech on “Bread Matters” and he also has a book by the same name. His talk was very inspiring. You can read more about his speech here at Farine’s. Andrew also was a teacher at the workshop, “The Business of Baking,” along with Piper Davis and Byron Fry.
I still would like to cover Pizza in a Wood Fired Oven, the Brewers, the Bread Lab Demo, Artisan Sourdough for the Home, and other workshops. I will cover those in Kneading Conference West Part III. Stay tuned and keep an eye out for the demonstration videos, it is almost like you were there….
See Kneading Conference West 2012 Part I