A Winner!
There was a main dough for making the Babka dough and several variations for presentation. I tried the Babka loaf done in a loaf pan and the Kranz Cake Babka, there is also a variation done in coffee cake style done in a bundt pan. The Kranz Cake Babka was done in a spiral twist which looks really nice. Peter also has great recommendations for many alternate filling suggestions.
Kranz Cake Babka with Cinnamon and Chocolate:
The Loaf pan style Chocolate Cinnamon Babka:
There are many good recipes in Peter’s new book – Artisan Breads Every Day, but I can tell you this bread is already a family favorite.
So we are really celebrating two winners here, Lisa (congratulations) and this terrific bread, Chocolate Cinnamon Babka…. a real winner!